Home » Retiring with your RV? Take insurance with you
August 6, 2021

Retiring with your RV? Take insurance with you

When you retire, you might not feel tethered to a specific location any longer. If you own an RV, your might plan to make it your permanent home. Still, by doing so, you must make its protection your priority. You’ll need specialty insurance coverage if you become a full-timer. What forms should this coverage take?

You can travel the country in retirement in your RV. You’ll have practically all the comforts of home at your fingertips. Don’t think twice about insuring them, however.

Understanding Coverage for Full Timers 
When you live in your RV permanently, that’s different from using it only for vacations. The RV will likely come to symbolize most of your worldly possessions. So, it will function as much as a home as it will a vehicle. It’ll also represent more monetary value than a standard-use vehicle.

Because of the specialty use of your vehicle, you’ll need more than just RV auto insurance. You’ll need what most insurers call full-timer’s insurance. It functions, in many ways, like your standard homeowners insurance. You’ll buy this coverage in addition to your existing RV coverage. It’ll provide a more comprehensive bubble for your protection.

Protection Under Full Timers Coverage 
If you decide to live in your RV full-time, notify your RV insurer. Standard RV policies often do not cover full-time users automatically. You’ll need to tell your agent that you need coverage. As a note, you’ll might need to prove that you do not own a home to qualify for protection.

When you get your coverage, it will likely extend to the RV and the spaces you occupy at RV parks or other properties. Your policy might include elements of protection like:

  • Personal liability coverage: Like homeowner’s liability insurance, this coverage extends to the harm you might cause others. It can pay for someone’s injuries or property damage for which you are responsible. 

  • Medical payments liability protection: If someone else gets hurt in the RV, this coverage can specifically pay their medical bills. 

  • Possessions insurance: Covers your personal belongings in the vehicle. 

  • Storage shed coverage: Some of your belongings might stay in a storage shed back home. This coverage can extend to belongings in those locations. 

  • Extra expense protection: You might have to vacate the RV, such as while it receives repairs after an accident. This coverage can help pay additional expenses, such as food or lodging costs.


Don’t forget, you cannot disregard your standard vehicle insurance for the RV. However, you might be able to buy full-timer coverage on the same policy as vehicle insurance. Ask your insurance agent which options are best for you. They’ll help guide you through the enrollment process.

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Tags: rv insurance

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